Hi -
OK - I've been neglecting this blog again. But, I will deliver more in the new year, as my schedule is changing and I 'should', (that's a maybe), have more time to write.
What have I been up-to. Well, I've been deep into my PPC and SEO studies (and earning whilst learning) for the last year as I have said earlier somewhere in this blog.
This is the main reason I've not had time to write; plus, this is one of several blogs and of course I have Twitter - which has taken over my life somehow. (How did I ever live and breathe without it). Twitter Tips coming up!
Again, my Twitter profile also suffered because of my addiction to PPC and SEO studies.
OK - so not really an apology, but rather an excuse, but I know you'll forgive me when you see I have some interesting info for you..
On the Twitter side: People tell me that making money on Twitter is hard and does not work, and these are people with 25,000 followers. So I have some Twitter Tips for you, read on!
I think I know what is wrong, but of course I cannot say for sure; all that I can say for certain is my accounts make money! The real value is TRAFFIC of course.
I don't know how someone with 25,000 followers fails to make any money, (TRAFFIC), if they have their account structured right. The biggest accounts I manage have about 10k followers.
My average account size is only about 3,000 to 5,000 followers. But the value of those followers is in the quality of the followers!
So - what is my secret? It ain't rocket science, logic dictates that if you have thousands of followers that are not really interested in what you have to say, then they are not going to be interested in what you have to show them, re-following links you promote!
I don't even get a large number of clicks on my links, but those clicks are from interested people with a genuine interest in the subject or theme at hand. This often results in a sale!
I neglect to tell you what my niche markets are, because I'd be stupid to do that wouldn't I? Of course, you'll understand that a profitable niche can be hard to find, but the niche's I'm in are not obscure, quite the opposite in fact!
Anyway, I cannot tell you all my secrets! I had to figure some-things out for myself in order to get slightly ahead of the crowd, as will you. You will get there, just keep going.
I can tell you my secret to building a better Twitter account though! People (is this you) often start Twitter accounts by adding the 20 free starters Twitter suggests when starting a new account. Then they make a few posts and play with the background and that's it.
A week later they notice a few strangers have posted DM's to them and add those people as followers, then chat about loads of different paraphernalia of no consequence and without a specific theme.
This happens even if the account has been started with good marketing intentions, given a name that implies a theme and has all the relevant details in the profile.
Worst still is when we join those Twitter TRAINS / conga-lines, (yes, I've done that too, so I am not talking without experience), but all that we get is loads of followers who don't give a fig for the content in your twitter.
They are absolutely "not interested", in what you have to say! THESE ARE WORTHLESS FOLLOWERS. Why have someone, who is interested in sailing and dogs, following your website-marketing twitter. THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED.
I'd rather have 10 followers who are interested in the niche I'm twittering about, than 1,000 followers who are not interested! Because, you may get more click-through, but you won't get any sales! CAPICHE!
OK - I'm getting to it now, I just had to explain all that, so that you understand, or at least I hope I've explained myself properly. So - what is the secret?
All I do is. (This is usually the point at which I'd ask for money to buy my Twitter-Secrets report. But I'm not selling anything here, honest)! I just thought it would be a good kicker, (I need to amuse myself as well you know)!
All I do is, use Twellow and Twollow. - That is Twellow.com, and Twollow.com (there is a Twello.com, and a Twello.com, without the 'W', so make sure you get the right ones).
And these are not my affiliate links, so I'm not making any money out of you going there! Right, so what now.
I think Twollow is pretty self explanatory, so I won't insult your intelligence. But to be fair, I didn't understand it all when I first went there. (No such things as stupid questions - and all that)!
Twellow - Well,I've helped a few people here, but there are always questions if I leave people to go there themselves. So, here are the instructions, this is what I do.
It all starts at your Twitter account actually, you should have a full profile and a nice picture in place, given some thought to altering the back-ground and making your Twitter page look attractive and different, AND in keeping with the theme you are promoting.
It is no-use promoting Gothic Tattoos, and showing a pink and prissy profile with yellow flowers, it should be the rich-purple and black 'n' deep-reds. Gothic style!
The main detail is your WEB PAGE - URL, - (your affiliate link) - this is the main page that will get seen - clicked-on-through your Twitter page! If this is not posted in your profile - You ain't got a clue, and you'd best pack-up now and go home before you hurt yourself.
When you register at TWELLOW - your details in your profile will be automatically imported to your TWELLOW PROFILE. You can extend your profile BIO, to cover all the keywords for the niche you are in, and most importantly, you must use those keywords in structured sentences that make sense and relate to your niche and theme. (It is marketing basics 1o1 really).
You can put in your email address if you wish because it will not be visible on Twellow. Also, you can add more social links, if you have face-book and other similar accounts all related and linked! That's it for the profile.
Next, you need to add yourself to as many categories that are, again RELEVANT To, and on THEME with, your NICHE! Twellow suggests some for you, (usually three) but you are not yet added! Currently as I write, you add your profile to these categories by clicking the tick that is usually yellow and to the left of the category keyword.
If you are not happy with the category, you can remove it by clicking the red minus sign to the right of the category keyword. Select more categories, (up to 10), by actually searching to see what is relevant.
There is a blue tab near the header of the page for categories. You may need to dig down in the categories to find the exact niche. and just click the "add" to the right of the category keyword. Easy - My work here is almost done!
HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS - All that was a 'Do-It-Once', little, teeny-weeny bit of work!
And if you did it right, (I'm not saying you won't have to tweak it from time to time), but, you won't have to touch it again, almost ever!
Here's the building part. Just go through those categories that you have identified as being RELEVANT TO YOUR NICHE. Categories to do with your theme, and add those individuals that have your chosen keywords in their BIO.
The way I do this is, I use the Mozilla FireFox browser, (because works better than Internet Explorer most of the time). And because it has a killer FIND feature, CONTROL AND 'F', (if you didn't know already)! The best part is, that FIND has a HIGHLIGHT FEATURE, this HIGHLIGHTS all the keywords in the profile bio's. You see.
Many people just add themselves to any category, sometimes just to make themselves sound more interesting, I think! I do also think, though, and HERE'S THE SECRET! that "if", they have gone to the trouble of writing about their interest in their TWITTER BIO, and possibly extending that in their TWELLOW BIO, and then have even had a mind to add themselves to a "category" in TWELLOW, that relates to their interest.
THEN THEY ARE PROBABLY, HONESTLY INTERESTED, IN THAT SUBJECT. And; If you write, sensible, logical twitter about their topic of interest, THEY WILL FOLLOW YOU.. or will be more likely to be interested in your links. (So long as they are relevant).
I've explained this to people who I've been helping and yet I sometimes still find them listed in non relative categories and posting unrelated tweets! Sorry, I just don't understand! How do they expect to make any sales?
I hope these Twitter Tips have been helpful and obviously I claim no-responsibility for your actions. All information is offered in good will as a description of how I manage my twitter accounts and it is up to the individual, (YOU), to use your own discretion and take responsibility for your own actions.
This is an excerpt from AndyGold's Twitter Tips and as such, is Copyright 2008 - 2009 please do not plagiarise, copy or otherwise distribute this article without express permission of AndyGold.
Best wishes.
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