Monday, 22 March 2010


Video 1

Video 2

The Average Joe Method! -

March 2010, You need to get started!

Yo, I'm here, where are you?

You need to get started online right now, especially if you are short of money!

Making Money Online.
Look, you can keep working, (or not as the case may be), for a daily wage. Then, one-day, the boss will turn to you and say; "Sorry, we have to downsize and let you go". It's inevitable in whatever line of work you're in! Well, perhaps unless you are in a funeral industry business, people always seem to get round to doing that at least once in their life! Its a service everyone needs and so-long as you keep your business up-to-date and competitive, the company should stay in business.

Not wanting to make light of this, (I hope you don't think I'm joking), earning your own income and being your own boss, should be top priority! Its not easy starting out on your own, but it is also not as hard as YOU probably think!

Overcome Your Mental Monsters!
As an entrepreneur, you have to overcome fear and be brave. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of loosing money and time. I'm not trying to put you off, just pointing out what may happen or may already be holding you back from starting your own business online.

Usually, I find / found that my 'FEAR' truly was False Evidence Appearing Real. I'd worry about paying the bills, stress out over planning and keeping to budgets I'd set. There is nothing wrong with this, so long as you have a clear goal and direction, then stick to your plan as best you can. But... You'll have to do this in life anyway, especially if you are struggling along on a low wage or high expenditure!

Sometimes, we can put off that big step of getting started. Usually the signs are fear of setting up a 'paid-for' host or buying a domain name for your own website. You panic due to unknown factors, 'am I buying from the right domain provider, getting the best hosting deal, paying over the odds, or if its cheap, are they going to hammer me with hidden charges later'.

These are all valid points, but if you don't make a start somewhere and somehow, you will never know. Look at it this way, one strategy I believe in, is not to carry all your eggs in one basket, and go with several different providers for each service. I like to buy a domain registered with one company and host the website elsewhere. Or have 'website-one' registered and hosted with company 'A' and 'website-two' registered and hosted with company 'B'. etc.

So, if you are stuck, not getting started for a similar reason, just get started and look at it as if this is just your first choice of company provider. You can start your next website with a different company.

Life Lesson - All My Eggs In One Basket!
I had all my sites with the same company once upon-a-time, many years ago. I had a problem with an employee at the company and he messed with my sites and caused me no-end of problems. Eventually, I managed to get my email past the chap dealing with my account. I was told he was fired, I had no-more problems after that, but it taught me a valuable lesson, as well as costing me a lot of money, effort and time!

Don't keep all your eggs in one basket!

Now, Listen! It's the same with your income! You've got a job right? (or some form of income already). So, get on with building an online business right now, in your spare time, evenings or weekends. Don't keep all your income with one job. Diversify and look at new ways of making money.

Review Writing, As An Affiliate Marketer.
One idea to get you started, (how I started), is to look at your own interests and hobbies, choose some topic you know a bit about and check out Click

Its free to get started on ClickBank, read previous posts on this blog for marketing ideas, like promoting ClickBank products via Twitter and check out YouTube for how to make money online with ClickBank. There is always someone showing you how to, for any subject.

Find product that fits your interests and write a review of it, probably comparing it with other similar products. Personally, I always like to buy the product and test it myself before recommending it, but it is possible to make a recommendation based on what you see and read on the product vendors website. You've got to ask yourself if you'd actually buy the product yourself.

You should be able to make some sales by writing about the product on a blog like this, (free), making posts on Twitter and Facebook and the like, (also free), to get the cash to start your own website and run a separate sales page for each product you recommend and collect potential client email addresses. (These services usually cost money, but there are free email capture services to be found. - Then the subsequent sending of email marketing to your opted-in list of email subscribers is usually free. Writing a weekly or monthly newsletter and so on).

I hope this article has given you some ideas and motivated you into action!
This is AndyGold on the Earn A Great Income Blog.
Go to "earn a great income" dot co dot UK.
